CMA Los Angeles Retreat Celebrates 25 Years April 5-7
CMA Los Angeles celebrates 25 years at its annual retreat in downtown LA, April 5 - 7, 2024. Daniel R. is organizing a Chicago group to attend; scholarships available for those lacking of funds. Visit for details.
“This is an event that will rejuvenate your recovery,” says Daniel R., noting that members from all over the world attend. The retreat consists of workshops, dinners, a lavish brunch and a legendary raffle.
“Whether you have 30 days or 30 years, this event will ground your recovery no matter what your drug of choice is or length of sobriety,” says Daniel. “Let’s get a Chicago contingent and show this program works.” Contact Daniel R. or visit for details or are in need of a scholarship. “Lack of funds is not a reason not to attend,” he says.
Crystal Meth Anonymous traces its routes to the Los Angeles area 30 years ago. CMA was founded In 1994, by Bill C., a recovering crystal meth addict 16 years sober in A.A. Bill recalled that many of the secretaries of existing 12-step meetings did not like the shares of the crystal meth addicts and were therefore reluctant to call on them. Bill maintained that there ought to be a place for these people to share. Attended by 13 people, the first meeting of Crystal Meth Anonymous was held September 16th, 1994, @ 9:45 pm at the West Hollywood Alcohol and Drug Center in West Hollywood, CA.