What is Intergroup?
Service work is an important part of how we carry the message to those in need of recovery. While our Groups are autonomous, it is our service work and structure that help make the spiritual program of recovery available to those who may seek it.
In general, CMAChicago intergroup provide supportive services for CMA groups within the Chicago area as well as other CMA groups throughout Illinois. All of the services provided by CMAChicago Intergroup help a specific fellowship of groups unified by a common ease of communication.
Support Services that Intergroup Provides?
Maintains a meeting list for all CMAChicago meetings
Provides CMA literature for individual meetings
Operates the help hotline
Maintains the CMAChicago Website
Provides pamphlets & chips for individual meetings
Provides outreach to hospitals and institutions
Represents CMAChicago at the CMA World
Answers questions and carries the message to suffering addicts
Organizes and supports CMAChicago activities and events to support fellowship
Who can attend an CMAChicago Intergroup meeting?
While all who identify as members of CMA are welcome at Intergroup meetings, only those elected can vote on business. The voting body of CMAChicago Intergroup are:
GSR’s – Who are elected by individual CMA meeting groups.
Officers – Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Fulfillment – who are elected by Intergroup.
Area Delegates & Great Lakes Trustee – who represent CMAChicago at regional and national levels.
Subcommittee Chairs – who are elected by Intergroup.
Hospitals & Institutions (H&I)
Public Information & Outreach (PI&O)
Recreation and Activities
What are the CMAChicago committees?
Communications – The subcommittee offers support to Intergroup and the fellowship by maintaining CMAChicago digital platforms. This includes administration of the Zoom Meeting platform, web-publishing and maintenance of the CMAChicago website, and publishing content to any social media platforms regarding Intergroup or the CMAChicago fellowship as a whole.
H&I – The H&I subcommittee is responsible for carrying the CMA message to individuals who are confined, restricted, or otherwise unable to attend one of the regular CMA meetings in the Illinois Area. The subcommittee coordinates communication with the facilities and facilitates meetings prisons, hospitals, or treatment centers, etc.
PI&O – The purpose of PI&O is to provide and communicate consistent and readily available information and resources about CMA to all those affected by crystal meth. This subcommittee provides informed volunteers to answer inquiries from the public, media outlets, mental health professionals, institutions, and publications. This may be accomplished by attending professional conferences and producing direct mailings or Public Service Announcements.
Recreation & Events – The Recreation and Activities subcommittee creates monthly activities and gatherings to strengthen fellowship, build community, and socially support the recovering addict.
What is a GSR?
Group Service Representative, better known as a GSR, is an elected member of a CMA meeting who serves as a link between an individual CMA Group meeting and CMAChicago Intergroup. They are responsible for carrying their group’s voice and participate in decisions which concern Chicago CMA meetings as a whole.
The following are some of the main responsibilities of a GSR:
Attends their Group meetings regularly, holds business meetings, and quarterly elections for meeting positions.
Reads aloud the CMAChicago Intergroup announcements at their Group’s meetings.
Represent your group (and its group conscience) at the monthly CMAChicago Intergroup meeting.
Following Chicago Intergroup meetings, the GSR reports back to their group about what happened at Intergroup.
Assist the group with obtaining chips and newcomer packets from the Fulfillment officer.
Welcome newcomers and encourage Group members to become involved in CMA service.
It is strongly recommended that that the GSR have one year of continuous sobriety due to the ongoing demands of this service commitment. Individual Group meetings have GSR elections which are held in December. Once a GSR is elected they serve for 1 year and are encouraged to serve on an Intergroup subcommittee.
Have Additional Questions?
If you have additional questions, please contact us at info@cmachicago.org