CMA Meditation Reader Workshop

Call For Entries Workshop

CMA World is currently creating a meditation reader to contain daily ideas and inspire our fellowship as we journey on the road of recovery together. Each submission focuses on a spiritual solution to aid us in our recovery and must follow certain guidelines.

NYCMA is holding virtual writing workshops every 2nd Monday of each month to assist those interested in writing one or more submissions. Topics cover reviewing guidelines for submissions, brainstorming topics, and offering feedback for meditation drafts.

If you are interested in creating a meditation or have questions about where/how to start; please find the following guidelines below.

Dates: February 8th, March 8th, & April 12th

Time: 6:30 - 8:00 PM CST

Meeting ID#: 674 472 4625

Dial by your location: 312 626 6799 (Chicago)


Memorial City Bike Ride


CMA Service Workshop & Orientation