New CMA Meeting ‘Sex, Intimacy, Relationships’ Starts Sept. 6
“We're excited to announce the launch of a ‘Sex, Intimacy, and Relationships’ meeting,” say its organizers. It starts Wednesday, Sept. 6 at 7 pm. Ebenezer Lutheran Church (1650 W Foster Ave, Chicago, IL 60640) will host this closed meeting of Crystal Meth Anonymous.
This weekly meeting will focus on the shaping of sane and sound ideals for relationships and sex lives as outlined in the CMA pamphlet, "Sex in Sobriety" and page 69 of the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous. “Join us for a safe place to discuss connection, shame-free sex, and how to establish honest relationships with others and ourselves,” according to the meeting organizers. “Whether you are in a relationship or just want to talk about your sane and sex ideal, there’s something for everyone!”