Two CMA Chicago Meetings Relocate Effective June 21

Two CMA Chicago meetings are relocating as NTAC (New Town Alano Club) moves to new quarters at 3326 N. Ashland effective June 21. 7:00 pm Tuesday “Sobriety First” and 7:00 PM Thursday Evening meetings will be held at the new NTAC location going forward.

New Town Alano Club (NTAC) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation that provides meeting space for more than fifty 12-step recovery meetings per week, including the two CMA meetings, along with Aloholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Narcotics Anonymous, Marijuana Anonymous, and he Buddhist-based Recovery Darma.

It’s soon-to-be-vacated center at 909 W. Belmont in Chicago featured two meeting rooms that have seen continuous use. NTAC has a specific LGBT outreach mission, but notes “Our doors are open to all in recovery as well as their friends and families.” Meetings run daily from as early as 7:30 am to as late as the 11:11 pm on Fridays.


Registration Opens for CMA Great Lakes Unity Day July 22, 2023


Join CMA Post-Pride Parade Potluck, June 25 at Montrose Beach