What’s CMA Up To? Learn at Two Meetings, Online or In Person
Interested in raising the CMA Chicago Fellowship's voice to the national level? Or to hear about this year's activities of the national CMA fellowship?
Vince P and Kevin F, CMA Chicago’s delegates to the national Crystalmeth.org fellowship, will be hosting two events, one on Zoom on Wednesday, October 18 at 8:30 pm (925-725-2525) and another at the Rec Room, 4138 N. Sheridan Rd. in Chicago, at 12:30 pm on Sunday Oct 22.
These meetings will update you on actions to be considered at the 2023 CMA General Service Conference taking place in New York City on November 16-19. The General Service Conference is an annual event that serves as the active voice and the effective conscience of our Fellowship in its world affairs. The Conference serves to protect our foundational principles (including the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts), to approve literature, to set broad policy regarding the Fellowship, and to offer spiritual guidance to the Board and its standing committees.
Among many other activities, Crystalmeth.org General Services operates and manages volunteers for the CMA toll-free Helpline (855-METH-FREE), publishes CMA literature and books, and sells chips and medallions.