2022 Meeting GSR Elections
If your meeting didn’t elect a GSR in December for 2022 now’s the time to do it!! Every meeting is encouraged to elect a GSR so that your meeting has a voice at Intergroup on issues that involve the fellowship as a whole.
Click “Read More” to learn about GSRs and Intergroup Service work.
Friends and Family Thanksgiving
The Rec Room will be hosting a Friends and Family Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 25.
Looking for a Thanksgiving sober respite?
Looking for a Thanksgiving sober respite? The Thursday NTAC meeting, normally a speaker meeting, will be a candlelight gratitude meeting on Thanksgiving. Come join us at 7pm, Thursday, November 25.
Chicago Roundup Holiday Hangout
Join the Chicago Roundup on Saturday, December 11th at 7pm for the Chicago Roundup's Holiday Hangout at The Selina Hotel Featuring the return of our Holiday Lipsync Battle.
Exciting Serenity Update!
The Serenity Pagent is THIS SATURDAY, November 20th @ 7:00 pm
Click “Read More” for information on how to purchase online tickets!!
CMA Game Night
Join your CMA activity chairs for a game night on Friday, October 22, at Center on Halsted. We will have food and games! Come for the meeting and stay for fellowship, or just stop by for fellowship!
CMA Fall Retreat
October 1st - 3rd
Registration is now FULL for the 2021 CMA Fall Retreat - Hero’s Journey of Recovery at Villa Desiderata in McHenry, Illinois. You can still sign up on the waitlist if spaces become available due to cancellations!!
Chicago Roundup
August 27th-29th
Come join the Chicago Roundup - A weekend-long gathering of LGBTQIA+’s celebrating recovery and those interested in finding out what a life of recovery has to offer.
Rec Room Grand Re-Opening
Sunday, August 8, come help the Rec Room Re-Open & show your support to continue offering this safe space for recovery meetings!
CMA Meditation Reader Workshop
March 8th & April 12th at 6:30 PM CST
In an effort to develop and collect submissions for CMA’s daily meditation book, NYCMA will be holding virtual writing workshops on zoom to assist those interested in writing a submission.
For additional information please click ‘Read More’
CMA “Voices of the Fellowship”
Through this new portal on the CMA World website, you have access to our members’ written stories of recovery. You can also listen to speakers from meetings and perhaps identify with our experiences.