Memorial City Bike Ride
Monday, May 31st @ 8:00am
Join your fellow addicts on Memorial Day for a spiritually connected but socially distant bike ride through our beautiful city starting at Winnimac Park! See Read More for further information.

CMA Meditation Reader Workshop
March 8th & April 12th at 6:30 PM CST
In an effort to develop and collect submissions for CMA’s daily meditation book, NYCMA will be holding virtual writing workshops on zoom to assist those interested in writing a submission.
For additional information please click ‘Read More’

CMA Service Workshop & Orientation
Sunday, February 21 at 1:00 CST
CMA Chicago Intergroup is hosting a virtual CMA Service Workshop & Orientation for GSRs, Alternate GSRs, those holding new CMA Service Positions, and others interested in knowing more about service in CMA.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt
Friday, January 29th at 7:00PM
The Activities Committee presents a virtual home scavenger hunt and fellowship via Zoom.

CMA Denver Women’s Meeting
Tuesdays at 1:00 CST
Looking for a Women’s CMA Meeting? CMA Denver has reached out to our fellowship to share information for an on-line Women’s Meeting ‘Bitches Breaking Bad”

The Chicago Roundup Presents: Holiday Lip Sync Battle
Five contestants compete for the crown, the title, the glory of becoming the first ever Chicago Roundup Holiday Lip Sync Battle. It's going to be fun, it's going to be festive, and it's going to be absolutely ridiculous (we mean...fierce!)

CMA Meeting Updates
The Friday 6:00pm ‘Beginners’ Meeting has resumed in-person meetings at the Center on Halsted and will continue to meet on online with the Meeting ID# 831-428-020.
A New Friday 11:00pm ‘Topic/Discussion’ Meeting has started with the Meeting ID# 824-7404-2102.
The Thursday ‘No Speeding’ Meeting has resumed in-person meetings at the Joliet Alano Club.
Please see the Meetings page for further information.

Pumpkin Carving & Fellowship
Due to new City of Chicago Covid Restrictions and out of an abundance of caution for the health of our fellowship. We are regretfully cancelling this event.

CMA 2020 General Service Conference
October 17th & 18th
CMA World is hosting a virtual 2 day conference - The conference will feature Committee Meetings, Speaker Meetings, Gratitude Panel, and a Fellowship Event. See how CMA World works!!

CMA Meditation Reader Workshop
November 8th
In an effort to collect submissions for CMA’s daily meditation book from the Chicago Fellowship, we will be holding a virtual writing workshop on zoom to assist those interested in writing a submission.
For RSVP & Zoom ID# please click ‘Read More’

Old Town Walking Tour Activity
Mark your calendars for Saturday July 11th at 2pm. Let’s take a guided walking tour of one of Chicago’s historic neighborhoods!

CMA “Voices of the Fellowship”
Through this new portal on the CMA World website, you have access to our members’ written stories of recovery. You can also listen to speakers from meetings and perhaps identify with our experiences.

2020 Spring Retreat
We are hopeful that we will be able to hold the CMA Fall Retreat – Hero’s Journey of Recovery which is scheduled to be October 9th through 11th. In consideration of Covid-19, we will be making a decision in August.